Mentorship ProgramThe CSCSW Mentorship Program offers clinical social workers who are entering the field or negotiating a transition the opportunity to enhance their professional development through interaction with an experienced practitioner. Clearly distinguished from clinical supervision, mentorship emphasizes a collegial relationship based on shared professional interests. Whenever possible, we try to match mentees and mentors with similar interests. Mentors offer assistance with strategies for career development, practice standards, learning needs, legal and ethical issues, skill development, professional adaptability, and networking. Mentors volunteer their time and agree to be available for one year. However, each mentoring relationship is unique and develops based on the needs of the mentee. There is no requirement regarding the frequency of meetings, but mentors typically meet with their mentees approximately once a month. If you are a CSCSW member and would like to be assigned to a mentor or if you are interested in sharing your knowledge, experience, and skills by becoming a mentor, click on the appropriate link (Please note, you must be a member to access the application.) | MENTORS:If you wish to be a Mentor, you can provide a wide variety of services. Examples include: career advice, sharing of “lessons learned,” professional contacts, suggested training and conferences, resume review, identification of skill strengths, and how to promote them; and of skills which need improvement; helping to develop a longer range plan; and issues to be faced in changing a career or starting a business. You may wish to work with only one person at a time, or you may be willing to work with more than one Mentee, if your schedule permits. If you no longer have the time to be a Mentor, all you need to do is to delist yourself from the website. MENTEES: If you wish to take advantage of this program as a Mentee, you should be open and clear about what you expect from your Mentor. Are you looking for new job? A new perspective? Looking to entirely switch fields? Do you want academic knowledge or field experience? Do you seek networking contacts? The more clearly you state your interests and areas where help will be welcomed, the more help your Mentor can provide. What you receive from this program will correspond to the effort and thought you put into it. |
CSCSW | PO Box 880712 | San Diego, CA 92168-0712 | (310) 254-9471 |