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Strategic Plan

The California Society of Clinical Social Work (CSCSW) is pleased to announce the release of our 2022 Strategic Plan for our members to review and provide feedback on. The new plan provides a framework to support our organization’s mission, “To advance and promote the profession and practice of clinical social work”.

The Strategic Plan outlines three high-level goals:

  • Goal 1: Strengthen networking through non-educational and educational opportunities for social workers to connect
  • Goal 2: Promote diversity, equity and transformation of CSCSW through increased membership and retainment of underrepresented individuals
  • Goal 3: Increase and retain CSCSW membership through targeted marketing and social media strategies
These goals form a broad roadmap for the organization’s priorities over the next five years.

Goal 1: Strengthen networking through non-educational and educational opportunities for social workers to connect

Objective: Increase networking events 

Examples of Strategies

Offer various networking events in a variety of settings, i.e. online support/consultation groups, meet-ups that occur virtually or in person such as a local coffee shop or nature walk, etc. Maintain hosting networking events virtually. Encourage members to invite friends/colleagues to attend an event hosted by CSCSW.

Short-Term Outcomes | 1 year

Districts will host at least one non-educational event each year. Districts will provide at least 30 minutes either before or after each district meeting for members to network with each other. The CSCSW Board of Directors will host at least one state-wide virtual town hall meeting each year.

Intermediate Outcomes | 3 years

Districts will host at least two non-educational events each year.

Objective: Collaborate with professional organizations and/or academic institutions

Examples of Strategies

Contact professional organizations, i.e., NASW, CAMFT, PSIAN, etc. to establish a mutually beneficial connection. Contact accredited Schools of Social Work within CA to establish a mutually beneficial connection.

Short-Term Outcomes | 1 year

Each board member will identify and establish at minimum one new partner to coordinate an event. Each District Coordinator will identify and establish at minimum one new partner to coordinate an event. Each board member will identify at least one School of Social Work and serve as the CSCSW ambassador for that School:

  • offering guest lectures,
  • inviting students/faculty to CSCSW events and providing information about the CSCSW membership.

Identify a point person, either a board member or committee member, to track outreach efforts and track collaborative contacts.

Intermediate Outcomes | 3 years

Districts will co-host at least one event with each established partner organization or academic institution, i.e., job fair, graduating class event, professional networking event, educational workshop, etc.  Develop a MSW Student Ambassador program via recruiting a student to represent CSCSW in each of the active Districts.

Long Term Outcomes | 5 years

Increase CSCSW’s influence to support the profession through a large networking community that offers both educational and non-educational activities.

Goal 2: Promote diversity, equity and transformation of CSCSW through increased membership and retainment of underrepresented individuals

Objective: Identify diversity, equity and transformation (DET) needs among members and in our community

Examples of Strategies:

Develop and distribute a DET member needs assessment .Respond to current DET events impacting CSCSW members.

Short-Term Outcomes | 1 year

Review the member survey conducted previously, and develop a needs assessment specific to DET issues for all members. Share outcomes from the needs assessment in the Clinical Update Newsletter. Share responses and calls-for-action within our platforms, i.e. weekly updates on social media, monthly updates on the CSCSW website, quarterly updates in the Clinical Update Newsletter. Host quarterly DET committee meeting.

Intermediate Outcomes | 3 years

Collaborate with at least two agencies in providing a more targeted and systemic response to address identified needs of our members and the community. Continue to consistently provide support and advocacy by facilitating monthly REAL Talk groups as well as having a quarterly DET Committee meeting.

Long Term Outcomes | 5 years

Increase CSCSW’s membership diversity through education, support and awareness as evidenced by reviewing membership demographics. Increase member led facilitation of support group (at least 6x per year

Objective: Increase awareness of diversity, equity, and transformation (DET)

Examples of Strategies:

Share and promote articles focused on DET Share information about DET efforts via CSCSW’s listserv and on social media.

Short-Term Outcomes | 1 year

Include an article focused on DET issues in the Clinical Update Newsletter at least once a quarter.

Intermediate Outcomes | 3 years

DET Committee members contribute an article, i.e. editorial, narrative, book review, etc., to the Clinical Update Newsletter on a quarterly basis. DET Committee members will respond to incidents that unfairly target BIPOC or other marginalized communities within 2 weeks.

Objective: Increase knowledge of DET matters

Examples of Strategies:

Utilize internal and external consultation, i.e. the CSCSW board of directors, outside resources, community members with lived experience, etc. Facilitate educational workshops. Host DET Committee meetings and BIPOC support groups

Short-Term Outcomes | 1 year

DET Committee will partner with other CSCSW committees and/or Districts to consult on DET topics to infuse DET values at least twice a year and as needed.provide support/consultation groups for BIPOC clinicians on a monthly basis.  Provide monthly REAL Talk support/consultation groups for our BIPOC-identified members and non-members.

Intermediate Outcomes | 3 years

Provide at least two workshops per year relevant to DET topics for membership across the State. Develop and host at least two additional support/consultation spaces as determined by the DET needs assessment.

Goal 3: Increase and retain CSCSW membership through targeted marketing and social media strategies

Objective: Increase social media presence

Examples of Strategies:

Maintain and update CSCSW website. Add and maintain social media sites such as Twitter, Tik Tok, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram. Use Social media platforms- content of blog posts, white papers, infographics, videos, etc.

Short-Term Outcomes | 1 year

Create a track database for social media engagement monthly as measured in number of followers, members, likes, comments, and reposts. All CSCSW events are promoted across all social media platforms.

  • Twitter
  • Facebook
  • LinkedIn
  • Instagram

Target social media outreach to Schools of Social Work as in Goal #1.

Intermediate Outcomes | 3 years

Social media engagement will increase by 25%.Grow event attendance by 25% through social media outreach.

Long Term Outcomes | 5 years

Increase recruitment and retention of members through social media connection and engagement as platforms evolve. Reach membership of 2000

Objective: Retain current membership (Note: 562 members as of 10/2/2021)

Examples of Strategies:

Offer CSCSW branded swag at events. CSCSW branded swag budget & development.

Short-Term Outcomes | 1 year

Maintain membership at 562 members. Provide members with reminders of their benefits at least on a quarterly basis. Networking events will be advertised through local districts, social media platforms and through agency contacts at least on a quarterly basis

Intermediate Outcomes | 3 years

Reach membership of 1200.Establish a feedback loop (fostering two-way communication) for membership to capture members’

  • Conduct member survey annually

Upcoming events

CSCSW | PO Box 880712 | San Diego, CA 92168-0712 | (310) 254-9471 |

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