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Frequently Asked Questions About Telemental Health

Do you have any information you can share about telehealth services between states?

Telemental Health Laws by state - excellent summary of the legal protections for telehealth services:

The areas covered include state laws about coverage for telehealth and audio-only treatment; reimbursement requirements; how long coverage will last; the actual language of the laws in each state; and more.

Even if you think you know your state’s laws about telemental health, this is a good review and offers ways to improve telemental health laws based on what other states have done.

What are the State laws and regulations for telemental health?

You can find the answer here:

Can you tell me the reimbursement and telemental health services for LCSWs in 2021?

CPT Code Reimbursement Changes

  • 90785 Interactive Complexity -10.2%
  • 90791 Psychiatric diagnostic evaluation +15.7%
  • 90832 Psychotherapy, 30 minutes with patient +3.0%
  • 90834 Psychotherapy, 45 minutes with patient +1.5%
  • 90837 Psychotherapy, 60 minutes with patient -0.1%
  • 90839 Psychotherapy for crisis; first 60 minutes -8.7%
  • 90840 Psychotherapy for crisis; each additional 30 mins -8.4%
  • 90845 Psychoanalysis -9.2%
  • 90846 Family psychotherapy (no patient present), 50 minutes -11.1%
  • 90847 Family psychotherapy (w/ patient present), 50 minutes -11.1%
  • 90849 Multiple-family group psychotherapy -10.2%
  • *90853 Group psychotherapy -9.0%

*Group Psychotherapy, 90853, has been added to the permanent list of telemental health services.

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CSCSW | PO Box 880712 | San Diego, CA 92168-0712 | (310) 254-9471 |

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