This 2-part program will review Object Relations Theory and Intersubjectivity, demonstrate how these two theories are linked to each other and how they provide a pathway to informed clinical technique. It is rare for a book or a presentation to be rich in both theoretical material and in psychotherapeutic process, and Dr. Brodie deliberately strives to bridge the two.
Part One (on December 13) will address the work of D.W. Winnicott and his concepts of the “holding environment”, mirroring and the mother-infant unit as prototypes for the therapist/client relationship. Potential space and the importance of paradoxical thinking will be explored.
Part Two (on January 10) will shift out of Object Relations theory and into Intersubjectivity. Dr. Brodie will introduce Ogden’s concept of dialectic thinking and Benjamin’s notions of splitting and the complementary relationship between “doer and done to”. Although these psychodynamic concepts are most likely familiar, Dr. Brodie’s thoughtful reworking of them is highly original.
We hope that attendees will sign up for both programs, but we have created separate registrations to accommodate those who may only be able to come to one or the other.
Dr. Brodie's book is available through Amazon, if attendees wish to purchase it before his 2-part presentation