Monthly Call to Action 5
In an effort to make advocacy easy and accessible to all of our members, the Advocacy Committee Chair will be providing you all with a monthly call to action. This is a meaningful and impactful way for you to stay involved and advocate for important topics surrounding clinical social work in California.
Compact Commission Update from Clinical Social Work Association
The first meeting of the Interim Social Work Compact Commission was held on September 17. There were representatives in attendance from all 22 states that have passed the Compact bill into law at the 5-hour meeting. In addition, there were about 75 members of the public. I was asked to chair this meeting and will also chair the next meeting which will be held in January 2025. At that meeting, the Executive Committee – Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer – will be elected by the delegates; I am not eligible for these positions because I represent a national organization, not a state. CSWA will have a representative as an ex officio member or as a public member at future meetings.
It is likely that the Commission will be running by fall of 2025 or winter of 2026, at which time all individual LCSWs in states that have joined the Compact, can join the Compact individually and work with clients in all 22 states. Other states are still eligible to join the Compact if they pass the bill.
Here is a link for some additional information:
Reach out to the advocacy committee chair for additional guidance and support
Veronica Yakovenko, LCSW Advocacy Chair CSCSW
Workshop Powerpoint
Learn about the Social Work Interstate Compact, how to increase access on local/state and national scale, and how to get the Compact passed in California. Laura Groshong, CSWA Director, Policy and Practice, and Interim Chair for the creation of the Compact Commission, will be our esteemed presenter and offer assistance on how to understand and advocate for this important piece of legislation.
Ms. Groshong is a Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker in Seattle and has been in clinical private practice for the past 48 years. She was a Registered Lobbyist in Washington State for 25 years. She is the Director of Policy and Practice for the Clinical Social Work Association and lobbies for CSWA nationally and in affiliated states. She has written and lectured extensively on clinical and legislative issues around the country. She has received numerous honors for her work.
This month, I would like to continue to provide you with an update on the Social Work Compact. I encourage you to attend our online webinar on the social work compact, which will take place September 25th from 7pm-8:30pm.
Please visit for more information and to register.
The Compact should be going into effect in 12-18 months. If you would like to see the states that have joined the compact, please visit the CSWA website,
In an effort to make advocacy easy and accessible to all of our members, the Advocacy Committee Chair will be providing you all with a monthly call to action.
This is a meaningful and impactful way for you to stay involved and advocate for important topics surrounding clinical social work in California.
This month, I would like to provide you with an update on the Social Work Compact. We appreciate the information that we are given from our parent organization, Clinical Social Work Association. As of July 9th, 22 states have joined the compact. The next phase involves states that have joined the compact to appoint a representative that will report to the Commission overseeing the compact.
CSWA added, “We are pleased to inform members that CSWA's Director of Policy and Practice, Laura Groshong, LICSW, has been asked to be the Interim Chair to facilitate electing the Commission’s permanent leadership.
CSWA and other major social work organizations (NASW, ASWB, and CSWE) will have ex officio members on the Commission, if the Commission rules allow for this provision.”
Reach out to the advocacy committee chair for additional guidance and support.
This month, we encourage you to take action on the World Health Organization’s (WHO) limitation on mental health treatment methods. The WHO issued a manual in which they describe various treatment modalities and make recommendations for evidence-based treatment practices. Our parent organization, Clinical Social Work Association (CSWA) brought up concerns with this, primarily because the WHO places emphasis on Behavior Therapy (BT) and Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) which diminishes the importance of other treatment modalities. While BT and CBT are well-known treatment modalities, they should not be considered the only effective treatment modalities.
To see the WHO’s Psychological Interventions Implementation Manual click here:
To view and sign the PsiAN petition, click here:
Veronica Yakovenko, LCSW
Advocacy Chair
Direct from the source, join us to learn all you need to know to make the licensing process for LCSWs & MFTs as easy as possible. Staff of the California Board of Behavioral Sciences (BBS) including Steve Sodergren, the Executive Officer, will present an overview of the licensing process, including registering as an ASW or AMFT hours for licensure, and taking the exams.
This month, get in touch with your local representative and encourage them to vote to pass the Telemental Health Access Act. Please below for more information (use this text for an email or note). You can reach out to them via email or if you have the time, schedule a meeting at their local office. While we support this bill, we encourage you to educate yourself as you engage in any legislative advocacy.
Check this link to find your local representative:
Read more about the bill here:
Veronica Yakovenko, LCSW CSCSW Advocacy Chair
Telemental Health Access Act (S. 3651/H.R. 3432) – April, 2024
Telemental health, which was widely implemented in March, 2020, due to the pandemic, has been found by both therapists and patients to be an effective and efficient way of providing needed mental health care. Mental health conditions went up 20-40% in the past 4 years and show no signs of being lowered to pre-pandemic levels. Below are some reasons that Telemental Health treatment should be made permanent:
Because of the inconsistency in availability to telemental health psychotherapy services across the country, we urge Congress to create and pass a law that will rectify this inequity permanently by passing S. 3651/H.R. 3432. This bill would authorize the use of telemental health on a permanent basis, allow both video and audio only as acceptable procedures for telemental health’s provision, and require parity in coverage and payment to in-person services.
Contact: ________________________________________________
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BBS Panel:
Steve Sodergren, BBS Executive Officer
Steve Sodergren has worked in California state service for more than 25 years, including serving as the BBS Executive Officer. During his tenure with the board he has been responsible for the day to day operations of the board and has been instrumental in implementing board policies such as the examination restructure and the transition to an online service platform.
Carl Peralta, BBS Registration Manager
Carl Peralta is the Registration Manager for the Board of Behavioral Sciences and has been with the Board for more than 9 years. Previously Carl served as the lead analyst for the Licensing Unit from 2022 to 2024 and as the lead analyst for the LMFT Unit from 2018 to 2022.
Sasha Addison, BBS Lead Analyst
Sasha Addison has been with the Board of Behavioral Sciences for 8 years and has been the lead analyst for the LCSW Unit since 2022.
Are you studying for the LCSW exam?
Whether you feel ready and prepared, but would like some encouragement and useful tips, or are feeling overwhelmed and need support and questions answered, this workshop aims to provide a positive place to help “Phil in the Gaps.”
Workshop content to include:
Below are the links to the Test Prep Workshops from March 2023.
Link for Day 1:
Link for Day 2:
Study Session Notes:
About the Presenter:
Phil Luttrell is a Clinically Licensed Social Worker. He has five years of experience working with clients with co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders, and two years working with clients with co-occurring mental health disorders and developmental disabilities. Phil utilizes cognitive behavioral therapy, behavioral modification, and motivational interviewing in his practice. He received his Bachelor of Social Work from Central Michigan University in 2015, and his Master of Social Work from The University of Michigan in 2016. Phillip was a part of the Detroit Clinical Scholars Program during his graduate program.
Phil owns and operates Phil in the Gaps LLC, which helps people feel more confident taking and PASSING their social work licensure exams. Since starting Phil in the Gaps in 2019, 2,500 people who have taken his class have PASSED their exams. Additionally, Phil is a LEO Intermittent Lecturer at the University of Michigan.
CSCSW | PO Box 880712 | San Diego, CA 92168-0712 | (310) 254-9471 |