California Society for Clinical Social Work
Napa/Sonoma District Presents
"The Person-in-Environment (PIE) System for Describing the Problems Adult Clients Bring to Social Workers"
Presented By: Karen Wandrei, PhD, LCSW
Date: Friday, April 18, 2014
Time: 12:00-1:30pm
Location: Kaiser Department of Psychiatry 3554 Round Barn Blvd, Santa Rosa.
This presentation will provide an overview of the history of the development of the PIE system and its current use; the concept of person-in-environment as central to social work practice and the structure of the PIE system. A case example will be reviewed which applies the system with an adult individual client in an outpatient/private practice setting.
About the Presenter:

Karin E. Wandrei, PhD, LCSW, was the Co-Director of the PIE project from 1983-1996. She is the co-editor along with James Karls, DSW, of Person-in-Environment (PIE) System: The PIE Classification System for Social Functioning Problems (Washington D.C.: NASW Press, 1992) in addition to numerous articles in the professional literature.
Dr. Wandrei received her MSW and PhD from the University of California, Berkeley. She recently retired from full-time employment after almost forty years as a clinical social worker, supervisor, and administrator. In addition to presenting numerous workshops, she has taught at the graduate and undergraduate level at Humboldt State University, California State University, East Bay, San Francisco State University, and the University of California, Berkeley. She current teaches in the undergraduate online psychology program at National University. She maintains a small private psychotherapy practice in Rohnert Park, California.
As a result of this presentation participations will be able to:
1) Describe the concept of Person-In-Environment and the history of the Person-In-Environment system.
2) Describe the overall structure of the (PIE) system.
3) Apply the use of the (PIE) system in a case example.
Coordinator Email: or 707-321-3147
Members earn 1.5 CE credits at no cost. Credits for non-members are S1O.OO per unit. Non-members are welcome and may attend at no charge (no CEU certificate). MSW students are encouraged to attend.
This course meets the qualifications for 1.5hrs of CE credit for LCSWs, LMFTs, and LPCCs as required by the CA BBS. PCE #1