California Society for Clinical Social Work
Mid- Peninsula District
Stephanie Brown PhD
SPEEEEEED!! Wired Up and Hooked on Fast!
When: Friday, November 15, 2013.
Where: Lucie Stern Community Center, 1305 Middlefield Rd. Palo Alto, CA 94301
Cost: CSCSW members can earn 1.5 CE credits at no cost. Non-member LCSWs, LMFTs, and LPCCs may earn 1.5 CE credits for a nominal fee of $15. Free to audit. PCE#1.
Society has lost control. Many in the culture are living in a chaotic, frenzied downward spiral of a new addiction, chasing money, power, success and a wilder, faster pace of life. How can society be addicted, and what is the impact on our understanding and treatment of the individual, couple and family who must live and work in a culture that is out of control? Stephanie will review her developmental model of addiction and present her new work on American culture's addiction to FAST. She will outline implications for therapists and therapy in out patient treatment settings.
After this presentation participants will be able to:
1. To describe the out of control, addicted culture
2. To describe a developmental theory of active addiction and recovery
3. To describe the immature, developmental arrest that characterizes the addicted person, the family and the culture
4. To apply family recovery knowledge and principles to the addicted culture.
Stephanie Brown, PhD is a clinician, teacher, author,
researcher and consultant in the field of addiction. She founded the Alcohol Clinic at Stanford University Medical Center in 1977 and served as its director developing the dynamic model of alcoholism recovery and its application to the long-term treatment of all members of an alcoholic family. A licensed psychologist with over 35 years of clinical experience, she is an internationally recognized expert on the trauma and treatment of alcoholics, all addicts and their families, and is especially well known for her pioneering work in the theory and treatment of adult children of alcoholics. She lectures widely, maintains a private practice, and directs the Addictions Institute, an out patient clinic, in Menlo Park, California. She has finished a book on addiction to speed - the fast pace of life - in the culture to be published by Penguin in 2014. CLICK HERE to view Stephanie's website.
This course meets the qualifications for 1.5hrs of CE credit for LCSWs, LMFTs, and LPCCs as required by the CA BBS. PCE #1
Everyone is welcome. We especially encourage MSW students to attend. For more information, contact Virginia Frederick LCSW or 650-324-8988. No need to RSVP.
Please Join Us!
The California Society for Clinical Social Work offers connection, professional development, and political advocacy to ensure the continued existence and quality of clinical social work as a mental health discipline. Student memberships are only $30 per academic year.