Presenter: Wanda Jewell, MSW, PhD, LCSW
Presented by the San Fernando Valley Chapter of CSCSW and hosted by Dr. Tanya Moradians, Dr. Wanda Jewell continues the teachings of the 10 workshop series with a session (or two) on Case Review. This workshop will use 2-3 cases chosen from those submitted by participants and will apply the theory and practice of psychodynamic psychotherapy.
Dr. Jewell, in partnership with our panel members, will choose from the cases submitted and discuss them from an Attachment perspective and the psychodynamic material covered in the previous 10 workshops. Discussion will include ego defenses, unconscious motivation, transference/ countertransference, and family of origin issues, as these issues arise in the case material.
We invite participants and panel members to send cases using the form linked below. When submitting, please keep client confidentiality a priority.
Ideally, cases chosen would be clients/patients with whom you are currently working and you think would benefit from a discussion of the case thru the lens of Attachment theory and psychodynamic psychotherapy. Cases might include issues of addiction, depression, anxiety, difficulty in forming and maintaining relationships, etc.
Our format for the morning will be a review of each case with comments from the panel. After a 10 minute break we will open the discussion to participants for comments and questions about the case discussions.
The workshop will begin with a discussion of the importance of confidentiality in clinical work and issues caused by unintentional breaches. Great care must always be taken in consideration of protecting client confidentiality.
Please note that the previous workshops were recorded and can be viewed free of charge to CSCSW members. This particular workshop will not be recorded due to the potential issues of confidentiality in discussing cases.
The Art of Psychotherapy series has been organized by Dr. Tanya Moradians, CSCSW Coordinator of the San Fernando Valley District and Dr. Wanda Jewell, Professor at the School of Social Work and private practice psychotherapist. This is the first session in a series to discuss the process of termination as we finish this series. This has been a wonderful partnership with Dr. Jewell and a valuable 'find' for CSCSW. During this collaboration each of us engaged in the creative process as we brainstormed ideas before each workshop and Dr. Jewell researched further ideas that created the informative, thought provoking and successful presentations. We were both very fortunate to have such willing and bright people on the Panel that also participated in this series.
Members CLICK here to access previous recordings for FREE (you will need to sign in to this members-only page)
Nonmembers CLICK here to purchase and have access to previous recordings -- Nonmembers can join CSCSW to have access to all District Meeting Workshops for no cost - click here to learn more about membership
Dr. Wanda Jewell is a psychotherapist in private practice in the City of Glendale, CA and a professor at the USC School of Social Work in Los Angeles. Professor Jewell is a graduate of the USC School of Social Work in 1987. Her PhD in Clinical Social Work is from The Sanville Institute in Berkeley. She has worked as a psychiatric social worker at Metropolitan State Hospital in Norwalk CA and as a Clinical Supervisor and Family Therapist in addiction treatment.
Wanda also serves as a clinical supervisor for new MSW graduates.
Contact: www.wandajewell.com
wj@wandajewell.com | 323-664-1846
This is a District Meeting coordinated by the SFV District
SFV District Coordinator
Tanya Moradians Ph.D, LCSW | 818-783-1881 | tmoradia@ucla.edu
This DISTRICT MEETING meets the qualifications for 2.0 hours of continuing education credit for MFTs, LPCCs, LEPs and/or LCSWs as required by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences.
Note: With supervisor approval, registered ASWs may use CEs toward LCSW hours.
Attendance and Registration Policies
- Non-members of CSCSW will be charged: $10 admission
- For CEU’s there will be an additional charge of: $10 per CEU ($15 for 1.5 CEU’s; $20 for 2 CEU’s)
- CSCSW Members and students will continue to attend and receive CEUs for free
Cancellation Policy
- 14 days or more before event date: Full refund
- 13-7 days before event date: 75% refund
- 6 days or less before event date: No refund
Note: Registration will be canceled if payment is not made at least 7 days prior to the event.