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Sexual Trauma on College Campuses: Prevention & Response (San Fernando Valley District)

  • Sunday, June 12, 2016
  • 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM (PDT)
  • The Sherman Oaks Galleria (15301 Ventura Blvd.)


  • Choose this option if you would like to attend the workshop but will not be needing CEU credit.

Registration is closed

SUMMARY OF PRESENTATION: Mrs. Coleman will focus on prevention of sexual violence on college campuses as a human rights issue. She will also explore the impact that sexual assault has on victims/survivors and the community. There will be a discussion of the ways in which the campus can work collaboratively with the community to foster cultural change and create safer spaces on an off campus. She will also address the importance of inclusion and diversity in prevention, outreach and response efforts. There will be time for discussion and questions.


1. To identify sexual assault.

2. To identify the patterns and prevalence of victimization on college campuses.

3. To identify resources and reporting options following a sexual assault.

4. To identify at least three ways to prevent sexual violence (developing pro-social norms, healthy sexuality and bystander intervention).

Presenter(s): La Shonda Coleman, LCSW is the Director of College Programs at the Rape Treatment Center (RTC) at Santa

Monica – UCLA Medical Center. She manages the RTC’s college programs/services which include advocacy, training, outreach and prevention education programming to local area college campuses. The RTC Campus Program consults with campuses across the nation in developing or enhancing initiatives to prevent sexual violence on campus and to best support surviviors of sexual violence. As a licensed clinician, Mrs. Coleman also provides direct services to survivors of sexual assault/abuse at the RTC. She has been part of the Center for ten years. In this capacity she has served over 40,000 students and provided statewide training and program development/consultation to campus administators, staff, faculty, law enforcement and first responders. Mrs. Coleman is currently in the PhD program at the Sanville Institute and a member of the Sanville Clinical Community, which offers lower cost psychotherapy to MSW and MFT students.

The RTC provides free comprehensive services to all ages, genders and gender non-conforming identities (LGBTQ, women, men, children and adults) and does not have any geographic restrictions. For more information: http://the rape foundation.org/ or (424) 259-7208.

Location Information:

The Sherman Oaks Galleria is located at 15301 Ventura Blvd. (Intersection of 101 and 405 freeways and corner of Ventura and Sepulveda). The Community Room is located on the 1 st floor near the Cheesecake Factory and past Paul Mitchell Salon, and ATM.

VALIDATION FOR ALL DAY FREE PARKING will be given at the meeting.

COORDINATORS: - Gloria Gesas, LCSW at 818 990-1053 or gegesaslcsw@gmail.com | Tanya Moradianes, PhD, LCSW 818 783-1881 or tmoradia@ucla.edu 

RSVPs are Preferred

All clinical disciplines are welcome and may attend at NO charge. Attendees may go to any presentaion regardless of its location. Students are encouraged to attend. Light refreshments are provided. Bring your flyers, brochures and business cards for networking and socializing. Society members earn 2.0 CE units at no charge. The cost for non-members to receive 2.0 CE units is $20.

This presentation meets the qualifications for 2.0 CE units for LCSWs, ASWs, LPCCs and MFTs as required by the

California Board of Behavioral Sciences. For more information contact info@clinicalsocialworksociety.org or 650 460-9210.

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