“Emotional Brain Training”
Presented By: Paula Smith, PhD
At its simplest level, Emotional Brain Training is a way of managing stress based on brain science and research. The fundamental skills of EBT include multiple check-ins each day to increase awareness of one’s level of stress followed by using the tool corresponding to that stress level. At its deepest level, it allows one to access deep emotions in a safe way and identify core beliefs. In doing so, it changes circuits in the brain because of the brain’s malleability or neuroplasticity. Fundamental beliefs about oneself, others, and the world can be transformed with a reward of feeling better immediately in addition to enduring change.
Goals/ Objectives:
1) Participants will directly experience at least four EBT tools, which may include a check-in, Emotional Housecleaning, Cycle Tool, or Damage Control.
2) Participants will gain understanding of at least one useful, user-friendly brain concept, including the Emotional Brain and Rational Brain with a map of the surface of the brain which can be assembled to create a “hat” of the brain cortex.
3) Participants will identify at least three strategies of how to effectively conduct and EBT group and what individuals do on their own in between groups.
4) Participants will identify the importance of compassion and feeling your feelings in EBT. Reliance on internal rewards (sanctuary, authenticity, vibrancy, integrity, intimacy, spirituality, and freedom) vs external rewards (anything outside of you that makes you feel better in the moment but has negative long-term consequences such as eating, drinking, shopping, smoking, thinking too much, workaholic, crazy busy, etc.)
About the Presenter:

Paula Smith, PhD earned her doctorate at the University of Wyoming, Laramie in 1996. Paula’s dissertation explored the effects of physical and sexual abuse on self-esteem, trust, and intimacy. Other special interests include adult ADHD, eating disorders (anorexia, bulimia, and obesity), and the interaction between mind and body. Paula is currently a psychologist with the Department of Psychiatry at Kaiser Permanente, Elk Grove. She has been with Kaiser Permanente since 1996 and has been with the Elk Grove facility since it opened in 2003. Paula’s treatment approach is practical in addressing symptomatic relief. She includes the whole person: mind, body, and spirit.
This course meets the qualifications for 2.0 hours of continuing education credit for MFTs, LPCCs, and LCSWs as required by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences. Members earn credits at no cost. Credits for non-members are $10.00 per unit. All are welcome to attend at no charge (no CEU certificate). MSW students are especially encouraged to attend.